1. Ok house decorated... check
You can see Gary in the window wondering what was going on ( you can also see my rotting pumpkin!)
2. We had Izzy a scary outfit...hmmm...is a princess scary....check!
Izzy dressed in her 'scary' outfit standing in front of the candy...speaking of which
3. Bowls of candy to hand out to the little monsters...check
$50 dollars well spent at Walmart (heh I'm not proud, candy is cheaper there!) Izzy helped me bag the first 20 bags, trouble is I did one hundred, so I was candied out by the time I'd finished bagging! (Next year I'm just not going to bother....bagging that is...I'm not a misery!!)
Izzy, you are supposed to be bagging not eating!
4. Costume for Anne....hmmmm...Anne what is that you are wearing?
What do you mean?
I've got a black top on, it will have to do!!
I suppose you could pass as a scary monster, you'll do, try not to scare any little children!
5. Bag for candy....check. In fact we had two, one for Izzy and one for me to carry for her so she could dump her bootie! Clever that 4 year old!
6. Practicing saying trick or treat .....check...and scary Halloween faces....
Izzy practicing her scary face...
I've never been trick or treating before, so this was a first for all of us. We left hubbie at home (sorry chick, he had 80 kids around before we got back) and we started off around our neighbourhood.
Well even in this recession nearly every house had their porch light lit and I'm sure there was more decorations up than last year!
Izzy and my foot trick and treating...at this point my arm is falling off from carrying candy...and yes I had flip flops on...it was 80F outside!
Sorry Iz, they aren't real!
We had a great time and Izzy will never forget her first proper Halloween...I'm sure Anne is planning just to come back next year so she can collect candy for all the village children for Christmas! We got back after about an hour, bags full of goodies, Gary going mental on the back porch because the door bell kept going and hubbie looking a little worn out from the multiple times he'd had to get up to answer the door in our absence...I took over the chore when we got back, Anne got the beers and Izzy conned us into letting her have 5 pieces of candy..like I said, clever for a 4 year old!...
I had a great time, slightly tainted by finding out today on Anne's blog that Izzy took all the candy home with her....so clever and sneaky..takes after her mother!
I didn't nick the candy - Izzy did. You fancy telling her she couldn't take it home?! Ha ha...!
You could of sneaked some out of the case when she wasn't looking!
Are you inciting me to steal candy from a baby? eh?!
Laughing about torching your pumpkin - that is something I would do too! :)
Katie..I'm not normally that dim..honestly!! ;-)
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