Dec 3, 2010

My dog's bloody expensive!

Do you have a dog?
Have you ever totalled up how much it actually costs to have a dog...

After spitting out my coffee in shock at the $400 bill for Christmas lodgings for Gary ( well I can watch him on the internet and gets to play all day too!) I started to calculate Gary's monthly out goings...

1. Organic food  - now poor little Gary can't eat the regular mix of snout, hoof & entrails because of skin breakouts his food has doubled in cost every month from $15 - $30 .. thats $360 / year!
2. Organic treats - now some of my pet owning friends ( who shall remains nameless ) never give their dog any treats. And when I bought their dog a bag of chews, said dog looked at me like I was the dog whisperer.. no wonder he always wants to get in my bag when I leave her house.. ...$10 ...$120 / year
3. Bi-monthly groom... $50 / time ... $300 / year
4. Insurance... $35 / month ... $420
5. Random doggy day and overnight stays..estimate $650 / year remembering he has ice cream and smoothies whilst he is there!
6. Dog park visits $11 / visit - approx $100
7.Toys.. $50 / year
8. Christmas stocking $50

O.K. lets total that.... HOLY COW


Thats a mortgage payment!!! or a car down payment...

That's it... if he doesn't behave I'm trading him in for a new car...its not like he's cute or anything...



Sue B said...

Methinks this mutt has you sussed ......... organic food because of skin break-outs yet he can wolf ice cream and smoothies until the cows come home??? 'Suckered'!! xx

Clare and Gary said...

They are organic ice cream and smoothies.. my dog goes to a posh day care I'll have you know!

Unknown said...

Oy I did this math also. Was even more and scary. And we have two now!

Clare and Gary said...

Brahm... just think of those Carribbean holidays we could be having!

Annie (Lady M) x said...

How can you spend that much on a bloomin dog? He's a dog for chrissake... a bowl of food a day (max 20p) and a walk is all they need .... !! Treats just make them fat, and organic treats just make them fatter in an environmentally green marketing way. Ok, yeh I am a dog fascist!

Mind you, my dog is knocking on for 17 years of age. And he stinks.

Clare and Gary said...

yes it would be nice if you NG a bath occaisionally Anne!

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