Apr 21, 2010

Perth - its not all sunshine you know!

For all my friends you just thought I was having a 'whale' of a time in Perth .. it wasn't all fun. Whilst I was there Perth had a freak storm.
Homes were damaged, power knocked out and hail the size of golf balls fell as a sudden storm swept across the Perth metropolitan area. Dozens of sets of traffic lights were knocked out by the storm (making getting to work the next day slightly interesting!) and roads north and south of the Western Australian capital were flooded. It was categorised as a natural disaster in the end and the damage bill will run into the hundreds of millions of dollars.
What, you say, a little storm! Well I was stuck on the motorway in a huge traffic jam when it hit. My little car was moving and was in danger of floating away. This BMW just about to send a tidal wave over me!

 My boss filmed this from his hotel bedroom window..

To someone who lives in Florida this looks like a hurricane....or at least a tropical storm.

Any within 2 hours it had all passed and by the time I rolled up to the hotel the sun was back out!

There was millions of dollars of damage, the weirdest being the car dealerships that basically lost all their vehicles to hail stone damage...

This was the size of the hailstones in some areas..

Anyway, I wasn't hurt, didn't drown or have to walk through the floods as I saw some poor people have too...so no need to worry about me or my beautiful blue car!


Ron Cooper said...

Glad you made it through...Mother Nature isn't always so kind!



Clare and Gary said...

Thanks Ron....it was a bit hairy at some points, but I survived!

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